of Life (Sumer, ca. 2500 BC)
if by any chance Annunaki did engineer us, why they didn’t give us
a writing medium better than clay tablets? Surely they didn’t use
those on their spaceships. |
Zecharia Sitchin masterfully
combines archeological, linguistic, and astronomical data to web
together religious descriptions and evolutionary science on the
origins of Earth and mankind. His main source are clay tablets of
Sumer and succeeding civilizations, covering some three thousand
years BC. In essence,
his main thesis is that Homo Sapiens was genetically engineered from
Homo Erectus by the Annunaki, the visitors from Nibiru, the 10th
planet of our Solar system (12th, if Sun and our Moon are
counted equally in the system) which on very elongated orbit is far
away in deep space most of the time but has perigee in the Earth’s
proximity every 3600 years (and because of that is still uncounted
for by our official astronomy).
aside, for now, all the objections to Sitchin’s books (there are
six or seven more besides The 12th Planet) coming mainly from
the academic establishment, my first question is: why Sitchin needs
Annunaki? His answer is that sudden appearance of the Middle East
civilizations can’t be explained by the evolution: an evolutionary
path from the hominid of half a million years ago to the Sumerian of
dozen thousand years ago would require several million years. Well,
Sitchin might be in error here: he is consid-ering biological
evolution only. For some forty years or so, behavioral scientists
recognize many aspects of human society which are not consequences
of biological but rather cultural evolution, and which, in many
instances, are in conflict with genetically inherited instincts. The
decisive change from Homo Erectus to Homo Sapiens was due to
culturally determined restrains on innate responses. Human mind did
not evolve as a guide for Homo Sapiens biological evolution but is a
product of cultural evolution. The existence of mankind in its
present size and structure is warranted by the rules of human
conduct (e.g., related to property, honesty, trade, competition, and
privacy) which are not inherited but evolved by tradition, teaching
and imitation. When started concurrently with biological evolution,
cultural revolution changed enormously the pace of human
I can propose that the Middle East civilizations are native to
Earth, developed in a favorable but rather isolated environment at
the time. When they came in contact with some hominids at
pre-cultural stage of evolution, surely they were god-like to them. |