It's the artificial intelligence, stupid... I did not know at all where point B is located, and I asked Google for the directions (map on the left). But then I recognized that point B is only about hundred yards from the AAA office which I visited several times by quite different route. So I forced Google directions to my route (map on the right), and by the Google numbers my route is 30% shorter but requires 29% more driving time. Obviously, Google maximizes the freeway driving: in a mere 14 min drive, Google is suggesting jumping on & off the three SF peninsula freeways (101, 380, and 280). Even assuming that this could be done in 14 min (which I consider unlikely, those freeways are fairly congested during the day, not only in rush hours), is it justified? True, my route has six or seven more traffic lights, but only two of them are at really busy intersections, and those traffic lights are less a annoyance than changing the traffic lanes on three freeway exits in 14 min. Besides, why should I interfere the drives who are using those freeways for longer distances and who probably do not have other options? Not to mention the gas consumption on a 30% longer drive. Actually, I reached point B after 6.4 miles drive (including the search for a parking spot) in 16 min, and I was back to point A in 15 min. |