pojata has a name
the very beginning, even when our pojata (cottage) was in
the building stage, I wanted to name her. Well, more a
nickname than a name, a colorful name through which looks and
character are all expressed by one word. On the top of that, in
spite of naming something in Croatia: no special Croatian
characters (č, ć, đ, š, ž) and no Croatian
language specialties, like the words involving ‘r’ as a vowel.
And on the top of that: to be dulcet, to be tuneful. So, can I
find a name lake that?
of the eye catching features of our pojata is her reddish
looks. I know that Latin adjective (feminine) minata is
used in botanical names with the meaning of ‘vermilion-colored’.
Nowadays vermilion, sometimes spelled vermillion, is a rather
bright red color (RGB: 227, 66, 52; hex#: E344234) while our pojata
appears close to the color of tennis clay court. However,
vermilion is also the name of the natural ground pigment, an
opaque orangish red pigment, used since antiquity, originally
derived from the powdered mineral cinnabar; chemically, the
pigment is mercuric sulfide, HgS. There is evidence of the use of
cinnabar pigment in India and China since prehistory. It was known
to the Romans as minium and was their most valuable
pigment, being used to color the faces of triumphant generals in
imitation of the Jupiter’s visage.
more importantly, minata satisfies my above mentioned
criteria. So, let it be: MINATA ! |